For detailed work experience, visit my profile on:  LinkedIn  

Brand Identity

Print + Graphic Design

Motion Graphics

Environmental Design

Video Mapping

Project Management

Event curation

Mobile App development


A collection of current and recent projects - each with unique responsibilities, skills and professional challenges.


An established
Producer, Art Director
and environmental designer,


brings a respected creative voice
to the entertainment art industry.

Now a proven leader in the global art community, her entertainment career began in Austin, Texas, as Art Director for Music and Entertainment (M*E) Television and on 101X FM, as radio personality, "Jacki OH".  

Currently, Jaclyn works as Creative Director with the incomparable Lacy Maxwell Experiential agency, creating human experiences that affect positive change, ignite insight and inspire a genuine connection between people and our planet.

No matter the size, scope, or creative vision - by pursuing collaborations with socially conscious organizations and constantly examining the human condition, Jaclyn offers invaluable perspective, insight, and expertise to the world of art and entertainment.